I had sometimes crippling pain in my coccyx for three years and often found it difficult to walk, bend and lay down comfortably. I had acupuncture, acupressure, saw spinal surgeons, had painful cortisone shots into my tailbone, went to pain clinics and saw many other doctors, to no avail. One day I was flipping channels and saw a young woman who spoke about how she had used a scooter for years due to back pain but then saw Dr. Sarno and her pain was gone. I went to the store that day and bought “Healing Back Pain” and read it while on a trip to St. Lucia for a week. By the time I left St. Lucia my coccyx pain was reduced by at least 50% and I didn’t need the special seat pillow anymore. When I got home I called Dr. Sarno for an appointment and had to wait six months to see him. During that time I read his other books and continued to improve and also used his suggestions when I had pain in other places in my body. I saw him on Valentine’s Day, was diagnosed with TMS, stayed for two lectures and continued to follow his advice and was pain free. Since that time twenty years ago I have re-read Dr. Sarno’s books and bought them for many friends who were experiencing pain. A few years ago I developed sciatica after going through a very difficult situation that left me with PTSD and suffered with it for over a year. I found that Dr. Sarno was no longer practicing so I looked for a therapist that was trained in TMS and luckily found a wonderful woman not too far from my home. Within a few months the sciatica was completely gone and the PTSD had subsided.
I cannot imagine where I would be now without Dr. Sarno. You are an angel!