Dear Dr. Sarno,
We have never met but I have stared up at the sky and spoken to you so many times.
I have uttered your name like a mantra with tears in my eyes.
Dr. Sarno.
Dr. Sarno.
Dr. Sarno.
I told you what happened to me. The trauma I endured as a child. The insomnia. The shortness of breath. The palpitations. The laundry list of ailments: Fibromyalgia. chronic migraines. TMJ. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. And finally, when my mother got ill my brain decided to play its best hand and wallop me with CRPS. My skin became so red and swollen and excruciatingly painful that I could no longer wear clothes, lie on my back or sit down. For almost two years I was a prisoner in my bedroom unable to work, drive or be with my family or friends. Since I couldn’t sit I needed to stand up in a van to get to doctor appointments. But the MRI’s were normal. There was no injury. There was no explanation. The nerve block failed. The powerful prescription medication failed. They said my only options were Ketamine infusions, narcotics or surgery. I was horrified and terrified and even contemplated suicide. Thankfully I procrastinated and in desperation scoured the internet for information on the disease. Had anyone ever recovered from CRPS? Was there any help at all?
In November 2023 I came across a riveting and incredibly uplifting article on the RSDA website written by a woman who had completely conquered CRPS. Her name was Rita LaBarbera and she assured me there was hope and that it was possible to fully recover and live a normal life again. She urged me to buy your book Healing Back Pain and asked, “What does one have to lose by reading a book? What is that in comparison to getting your life back?” I was skeptical but thankfully decided to heed her advice.
Just like Rita, I devoured Healing Back Pain. I was so ecstatic when I finished it because I knew I was going to survive and there was actually nothing wrong with me! Within months of reading your book my pain was cut in half. I was wearing clothes again, lying on my back, sitting down and even driving a car! Today I have resumed my volunteer work, practice yoga and can even hit the courts for a vigorous game of tennis. I still get occasional bad days but the harrowing cycle of fear and pain is over.
So I say your name.
And if I saw you I would burst into tears.
I would crush you in my arms.
Because you saved my life, Dr. Sarno.
With love and gratitude,